
1. Do I have to be a resident of the District to be eligible to apply?
No you don’t, however all applicants are required to attend a mandatory 护理 Information Meeting prior to applying which may make applying challenging for someone living out 我们地区的. All students 必须 have a valid social security number and be eligible 在校外工作.

2. 你们有等候名单吗?
我们没有等候名单. 如果申请人未被该项目接受,则申请人的申请将被取消 申请人必须重新申请下一个选拔期.

3. 你们有业余或晚间节目吗?
No, the 护理 程序 is a full-time program with classes from Monday through Friday, occasionally there may be an evening assignment; or weekend clinical.

4. 护理课程需要多长时间才能完成?
这是一个为期两年或四个学期的项目. 夏季不开设必修课 会话.

5. How long does it take to complete the program from starting the prerequisites and 通识教育课程以完成护理课程?
If you start slowly and take one science course per semester, it could take as long 六岁时. If you take a full load of 课程 for your prerequisites and general education requirements each semester, you can complete the program in about 3 years.

6. 我在项目期间可以工作吗?
There is no restriction against working while enrolled in the 护理 程序. 然而, it is not recommended to work more than 16 hours a week as it can interfere with your 项目的成功. 不建议在上课或临床的日子工作 经验是分配的. 你将不允许早退或迟到 临床或课堂. 奖学金数额有限. 财政援助和低成本 贷款可用,请联系财政援助办公室.

7. 我需要参加预考才能获得资格吗?
是的,年代tudents will be required to take and pass the ATI 茶 (Test of Essential Academic 技能)作为申请过程的一部分. 有关测试的信息请参见 www.ATITesting.com

8. 我什么时候可以提交两年制课程的申请?
接受申请 只有 从申请年度的11月1日到1月底. 应用程序将 都可以通过你的班级网络账户获得. 你首先需要申请夏博学院 获取Chabot Student (W)号码. 请按照申请中列出的步骤进行 程序. If you are an LVN or transfer student, please refer to LVN-RN/Advanced 办理申请手续.

9. 你们是如何选择两年制课程的学生的?
Applicants who meet the eligibility requirements are will be by chosen by a merit 计算(标准分数或资格工作表). 前三分之一的优点 based list will be entered into a lottery pool for the initial selection of 40 students 和交替.

10. 我能把我的成绩单拿给你吗?
不,不要把复印件寄给护理项目办公室. 招生和记录将 接受电子成绩单. 你必须提交一份申请收据的复印件 您的应用程序.

11. 你们接受多少学生?
We accept up to 40 students once a year for the incoming Fall Semester.

12. 你们有春季入学期吗?
No. The program accepts students once a year for the 2-year program that begins in 秋季学期.

13. 申请两年制课程的先决条件是什么?

  1. Grneral Human Anatomy (BIOS 42), Human Physiology (BIOS 43) , Microbiology (BIOS44)  (or their 等效s) are the three science course prerequisites. 你只能赚取 三门课只有一个C.  科学课程有七(7)年的延期 只有. Incoming Fall 2025 your course 必须 be completed AFTER 08/01/2018
  2. 你 必须 complete four fixed education courses; English 1A, Sociology 1, Psychology 1和通信1或10.
  3. 所有七(7)个先决条件必须在12月31日前完成. 如果你注册了 in classes for any courses in Fall you may submit an application in January after 秋季成绩已经公布.

14. How can I find out if the courses I am taking at another college are 等效 查伯特学院的课程?
“大学 will make the final determination during the 护理 程序 application 期. It is best to check early to see if your courses are 等效 to Chabot 大学课程. See a General Counselor, located upstairs 700 Building, for assistance 在确定课程等效性方面. 咨询预约应该提前做好 of time, as the 咨询 department is very busy at certain times of the year. Or 你可以检查一下 www.协助.org 匹配课程作业. 等价图  

15. 我选了一门解剖学和生理学结合的课程,还有一门实验室. 这算吗??
If you took 只有 1 combined Anatomy and Physiology course, once semester course it 不相等. If you took Part A of an  A/B, it is recommended to have completed a 2nd combined Anatomy and Physiology (B)course with a lab  at the same institution.  If you choose to go to two different schools for a combined class note you may miss vital 系统. Many colleges offer these combined courses over 2 semesters or 3 quarters. A General Counselor can help you determine whether your combined course will transfer. 的课程 必须等效 查伯特学院解剖学和生理学的教授.

16. Will someone in the 护理 程序 go over my transcripts with me to see if I 我错过了什么?
The 护理 程序 office cannot evaluate individual transcripts. 请寻找 assistance of the General 咨询 Department, located upstairs 700 Building.  你 可以打电话预约一下请查一下吗 咨询网站.

17. 我有另一所大学的学士学位(或更高). 什么课程 都算进我的护理协会了?
本科或以上学历的学生.S. 地区认可的学院/大学 可豁免完成夏博通识教育. 你不能免除先决条件 课程. 我们不代课.

18. 我是在另一个国家接受教育的. 我的课程可以转到查伯特学院吗?
你 will need to have a professional evaluation of your foreign transcript completed. 你 may obtain a brochure from the 咨询 Division that explains how you may obtain 评估,或者你可以参观 NACE. The evaluation is not simply a translation of the courses, but rather it consists of a careful analysis of the actual content of the 课程 you took in your country's 学院或大学. 

19. 这个项目要花多少钱?
The approximate cost of the 2-year program is approximately $8,500.00. 这包括 tuition fees, books, uniforms, shoes, medical/dental examinations, in-program and NCLEX-RN testing fees, and background 检查/药物筛选清除. 免修的 学生可以期望支付大约5000美元.包括考试费用和背景资料 检查/药物筛选清除.

20. 为什么要对我进行背景调查?
Hospitals are now requiring all nursing students to have a background check and drug 来医院前进行筛查以获得临床经验. 估计一次性 成本是120美元.  The Board of Registered 护理 has an informational webinar for basic information for applicants with a history of criminal or discipline actions; 申请人执法网络研讨会

我的作业太旧了. 我需要补课吗?
Effective for the application of Fall 2024 the Chabot 护理 程序 has a seven (7) year recency requirement for any of the 护理 program prerequisites science 当然只.

  • 2025年秋季,2018年8月1日之后,
  • 2024年秋季,2017年8月1日之后.

There is no recency for the fixed courses; English, Sociology, Psychology, or Communications 1 or 10.

22. 你在哪家医院实习?
Hospitals include Kaiser-San Leandro, UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland, St. Rose Hospital, Tri-Valley Stanford Health System, Fremont Hospital, Regional Medical 中心(这不是一个详尽的列表). 学生由护理学院分配.

23. Do you teach individual courses for foreign trained nurses as required by the BRN?
No, due to the limited clinical space we do not offer individual classes to RN's trained 在美国以外的地方.

24. 我参加了固定课程的A/P课程. 你们接受这些课程吗 以及如何计算我的GPA?
We will accept with 课程 with an official A/P transcript included with your 应用程序包. 大多数A/P课程的分数都是5比1. 我们将使用这个课程 3个单位,5 = A, 4 = B, 3 = C. 如果你的测试分数低于3分,我们会 不接受同等课程. 如果你的分数是及格/不及格, 成绩为3个单元,成绩为C.